Configure Author to use own MySQL database : This feature can be used to configure author module to use your own MySQL database. It is available only in Enterprise version of the software.
Server Side Requirements:
PHP version 7.4 or greater.
MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater.
Instuctions to do setup server side setup will be provided when enterprise edition of the software is purchased, along with detailed procedure to create MySQL database and steps to upload server side scripts.
CBT Author module strats with login screen as shown below and it provides a Configure button.
To configure the database click on "Configure Database" button. You will be provided with a form as shown below:
Following details are required to be entered.
Fill in the details and click on Submit button to complete Configuration. Once this configuration is done alll the data you enter in CBT Author will be stored on your own server.
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