1.2 Given a scenario, install, and configure the operating system using the most appropriate method
If you encrypt a folder on an NTFS volume, all files and subfolder created the encrypted folder are automatically encrypted. Therefore, it is recommended that you use encryption at the parent folder level. Also note that you can’t encrypt a file or folder that is compressed. If you want to encrypt a file or folder that is compressed, you need to first decompress the file or folder and then encrypt. Only NTFS volumes support file or folder encryption.
NTFS 5 supports file encryption, where as NTFS 4 doesn't. You can upgrade NTFS 4 to NTFS 5 on Windows NT 4.0 computer by installing Service Pack 4 or later.
Microsoft Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer can be used for assigning Share and NTFS permissions on a Windows 2000 computer.
Disk quotas can only be used on NTFS volumes. This is because only NTFS volumes maintain ownership information on files and folders. Windows Explorer can be used to configure and monitor disk quotas.
2. A hard disk can have one Primary partition and one Extended partition. An Extended partition can be divided into one or more logical partitions. After partitioning the hard disk, each partition need to be formatted.
3. When you have two hard disk drives, the following two combinations are possible:
Install the drives one each on primary and secondary controllers and designate both as Masters.
Install both the drives on the primary controller and designate one as Master and the other as Slave.
4. If you are unable to use a USB device, it is likely that the USB is not enabled in the BIOS. This is the first thing to be checked while configuring USB port. If the keyboard is USB keyboard, and you are unable to enter BIOS configuration, it may need to be replaced with a conventional keyboard for the purpose of changing/ verifying the BIOS settings. Note that USB interface need to be enabled in the BIOS.
5. You use Scanners and Cameras to install device drivers for a new scanner or a digital camera. You can also set properties, remove a scanner or a camera using the “Scanners and Cameras” applet in the Control Panel. Once the Camera or Scanner is installed, you can use the Imaging application to initiate the transfer of images from your scanner or camera to your Windows 2000 computer. You can access the Imaging application through Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Imaging.
6. Traditionally, workstations can have multiple operating systems installed on them but run only one at a time. By running virtualization software, the same workstation can be running Window 7 along with Windows Server 2008 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or almost any other operating system) at the same time, allowing a developer to test code in various environments as well as cut and paste between them within a virtual machine (VM).
7. A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip that is built into a computer. It is used to store cryptographic information, such as encryption keys. Information stored on the TPM can be more secure from external software attacks and physical theft.
1.3 Given a scenario, use appropriate command line tools.
1. Using FDISK, the following activities can be carried out:
Create Partitions: You can create primary and extended partitions. Extended partition holds one or more (Up to 23) logical drives.
Set Active Partition: FDISK allows you to mark the primary partition as active partition.
Delete Partition: You can delete a partition by using FDISK
Display Partition Information.
FDISK can be used with MBR switch to replace the Master Boot Record with a backup copy.
2. SCANDISK: ScanDisk is a utility program that was added to DOS Version 6.0. SCANDISK is a better compared to CHKDSK. SCANDISK can fix errors on data storage devices such as hard disks, floppy disks, RAM drives etc, and DoubleSpace compressed drives. It analyzes and repairs damage to the following:
Physical clusters
File allocation table (FAT)
Lost clusters
Cross-linked files
Directory tree
MS-DOS Boot sector
DBLSPACE volume header, file structure, compression structure.
3. CHKDSK (Check Disk): CHKDSK command, one of DOS commands, examines your hard drive for error conditions and reports the total size of the disk, how many files are stored there, and the space remaining. CHKDSK also reports the total amount of conventional memory in your system and the amount of conventional memory available. Note that CHKDSK can't report extended memory.
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